Sunday, July 13, 2008

America's Evangelical Fucktards are making us a laughing stock.


Anonymous said...

Great site! Also, great video, although I disagree with the statement that "most Americans go for this" referring to the Angley "healing" video.

As a once-devout Christian who still lives in a predominantly Christian family and community, I can tell you that the vast majority of televangelists are not given much credence by "most" Christian Americans. Those who are zealous but do not care to study their own theology or to know intellectually why they believe what they do are the ones who support religious TV shysters.

I believe the majority of those in America who call themselves Christians are neither devout nor stupid, but merely agnostic or closet atheists. They do not live in ignorance of folks like Angley, Hinn, and the Crouches, but believe them to be the con artists they are. Only the most ignorant send money to these creeps.

Furthermore, many Christian scholars (such as Hank Hanegraaff) regularly denounce these fools. The thinking Christians in America, even those who believe in divine healing, consider much of the televangelists antics to be abuse of faith.

Again, though, hilarious video. It's good to see infidels speaking freely and openly ridiculing religion. I think this ridicule of beliefs and behaviors is needed to clear humanity's collective head of backward religious thinking.